'Where You Go' is now available!

The new album is out and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you!
Here are some nice words that Canadian Beats had to say about the music

"This album has a great mix of solo acoustic guitar songs, with some elements of pop, jazz, acoustic funk and soft rock. I enjoyed listening to this album...The songs were uplifting and relaxing to listen to and Joel’s talent is apparent. These were all beautiful melodies...Joel is a multi talented artist to watch for in the near future." - CanadianBeats read the full article here: http://canadianbeats.ca/2017/04/28/review-joel-saunders/

You can download your copy here, stream the music in the Music>Where You Go tab of this website or purchase a hard copy in the Store>Where You Go tab. 
Happy listening :-)

First sneak peak at the new album 'Where You Go'

And here it is. The first sneak peak of my debut album 'Where You Go' set to be released in April.
This album represents my unique set of influences, from fingerstyle guitar, to jazz, blues, funk and pop.

There's 7 more days left in my crowd funding campaign. If you would like to pre-order a digital or signed physical CD, or choose from a number of other rewards, have a look at my Kapipal page here:

For more information about me and what I do, have a look at my newly designed website: 

There's an important list of thank you's to be given. If you'd like to know who the masterminds behind this project are, stay tuned for a post about that in the near future.

Crowd Funding - count down to the CD release!

Let me tell you a story: December 25th, 1995, a 5 year old Joel gets up at an hour that shouldn't exist to scout out the gift situation. He noticed a guitar shaped gift under the tree...what could it be? He then attempted (unsuccessfully) going back to bed for a few hours until everyone else woke up. Sure enough there was four-string baby sized guitar for me from Santa, and that morning I used it to give my first performance for my family. 
Since then I’ve received several music scholarships, got my degree in music (jazz), was a finalist in the Canadian Fingerstyle Guitar Competition and I have had experience playing as many types of musical genres and music venues imaginable.
As you may or may not be aware, I am in the process of releasing my debut CD Where You Go. The music is an eclectic mix of acoustic fingerstyle guitar, and jazz-pop singer/songwriter with a full band. The 12 tracks include 10 Joel Saunders originals, one Chris Saunders original (a father and son duet), and my arrangement of a classic jazz standard.
I am letting you know this because I would love your help with finishing the music. Surviving on musician’s/teacher’s modest budget while paying for the expenses of creating a CD is no easy task, so I would be forever grateful if you would help achieve my goal by supporting me with a donation.
There are several awards for different levels of donations (see link). Thank you so much for all the support you’ve given me so far, I’m certain you’ll find every bit of it worthwhile once you have the CD in your hands.

Finishing Up in the Studio for my debut CD

Here's a video of one of my sessions at the Chalet Studio in Claremont Ontario. This song will be on my debut CD which will be released in early 2017. The CD will be a mix of fingerstyle guitar pieces and funky, jazzy singer songwriter.

This song is an homage to one of my biggest influences, Tommy Emmanuel. I have seen Tommy play live several times, and once got a chance to meet him at a workshop. I got his autograph and a simple message along side it that said, "Joel, get to work!". 

Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy!